exam oriented = suffer!

exam oriented = suffer!
have you ever think what will happen to our young generation if the exam oriented still been use?

Sunday, April 29, 2012

the thing that we should do!

the right way in study..
First, we should concentrate on regular grades; all grades will be evaluated, including college entrance examinations. This long-term assessment  will make students treat every exam seriously.

  Secondly, if students are made to take  college entrance examinations several times a year, it would avoid students playing below par.

Thirdly, use a continuous assessment system. Not only the score, but also all the abilities will be used to evaluate a student. This  will help avoid  instances of student scoring high grades but having low abilities.

The Malaysian government  wants to nurture a workforce with comprehensive abilities but under the exam system, graduates who are good in exams will be chosen.

They will be unwilling to ask questions and provide advice as they have been groomed to obey others.

These graduates  just concentrate on theories, but they do not know how to use them in reality. All these drawbacks cause "high score but less creativity", which will finally hinder Malaysia  from becoming a true economic power.

should we go for exam oriented??

why exam oriented??

The Malaysian Education System is too academic. Children with good results don't mean they can socialize well and communicate well with people. The School does not prepare them to be part of the reality world. Once they step out of school, they are lost and facing lots of pressure. They will realize that what they've studied in school does not equipped the skills that they need to take part in the working world. 
Parents are too emphasizing in academic achievement as well, that's encourage more centres and schools that telling the parents that their child who study there will achieve great results. They are in business and they are just trying to meet the parents' needs! Who is responsible? What is the child's rights and needs? Do we meet the child's needs or the parents? 

If you look around the children or teenagers nowadays...what is lacking? Manners! Morals! 

the definition of exam oriented

what is the meaning of exam oriented?

in my opinion..
exam oriented means..

GOOD scores, no life skills. This has been the thrust of the Malaysian education system thus far, much to the detriment of the youth.

The exam-oriented education system distorts  motivation and learning by overemphasising  the importance of scores as outcomes and measures of students' abilities.

Students lack personality and creativity, and are not qualified enough to fulfil future careers. Heavy rote learning makes students tired of learning and in worst cases, some  even develop psychological problems.

The exam-based system grooms students to focus on extrinsic goals and task completion  that finally results in excellent grades, minus the creative skills.

'There is no end to education. It is not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning'.
Jiddu Krishnamurt